
Bucks County Human Services

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"Finding the helpers in Bucks County just got easier.

The Bucks Human Services Connect Hub went live this week, providing residents a much-needed central entry point to what can seem from the outside like a tangled web of social services.
"The goal is, this is a one-stop shop," Diane Ellis-Marseglia, Chair of the Bucks County Commissioners, said Tuesday during a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Hub office in Doylestown. "You call here, and you're going to get the right referral."
Staffed by a full-time Resource Navigator, the Hub aims to link Bucks County residents and their families to the services of in-house departments, like the Area Agency on Aging or the Bucks County Drug and Alcohol Commission, as well as those provided by outside partners such as the YWCA or the Bucks County Opportunity Council.
To speak with someone at the Hub, call 215-348-6201, or send an email to
Located on the first floor of the Bucks County Administration Building, 55 E. Court Street, the Hub is open to calls and walk-ins from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.
No issue is too big or small.
"Whether you're trying to get support for an older adult, you're trying to connect your child to mental health services, or if you're experiencing food or income insecurity, coming to the Hub means you can get put on the right path," said Human Services Director Rachael Neff. "

Services B.C.H.S. Can Help With

*Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Services
*Children and Youth Services
*Older Adult Supports and Services
*LGBTQAI+ Resources
*Mental Health Crisis - Adult
*Mental Health Crisis - Child
*Early Intervention for a Child
*Autism Supports and Services
*Intellectual Disabilities Supports and Services
*Medical Assistance Insurance Complaint/Grievance
*Medical Assistance Insurance Information

*Housing (homelessness/eviction prevention)
*Food Insecurity
*Income Assistance (cash, food stamps, Medicaid, etc)
*Employment/Workforce Support and Training Programs
*Utility Support (ex. LIHEAP)
*Maternity Supports and Services
*Self Sufficiency Programs
*Elder Abuse
*Child Abuse
*Domestic Violence
*Human Trafficking
*Transportation for those who receive Medical Assistance Insurance

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